A traditional, quick acting cream for spots of itchy skin on your horse. Use on specific fly bites or on large areas that are causing a problem.
This combination cream is for all itching horses whether they have been bitten or not. Use this cream on specific itchy spots or on large areas with care.
For use over large areas water can be added to make it easier to spread evenly in a thin layer. In summer use at the base of the dock or on the crest. It is designed to be used with our range of Skratch feed supplements if there are more general concerns as it contains similar herbs to compliment this feed supplement.
This product is a human grade formulation but as with all ointments test on a small area of skin first before applying more liberally. You do not need very much of this cream to get a good result. It quickly, naturally and gently soothes bites from horse flies, midges and other insects including ticks. It is great on your own mosquito bites as well. A non-medical approach that helps the body help itself.
- Easy to apply
- Soothes itchy skin