Gastric ulcers are a common condition in horses that can have serious health implications if left untreated. The condition can cause significant discomfort and pain for the animal, which can impact their overall well-being and performance. It is estimated that up to 90% of racehorses and 60% of performance horses suffer from gastric ulcers. In this blog post, we will look at how common gastric ulcers are in horses, what gastric ulcers are and how they develop, what the risk factors are for your horse developing gastric ulcers, what clinical signs horses might display, how gastric ulcers are diagnosed, what treatments are available and how you can reduce the risk of your horse developing gastric ulcers or of ulcers reoccurring in your horse.
Equine Gastric Ulcers in Horses
Updated: Jul 6, 2023
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